Curated and directed by Coffeehouse Chronicles Series Director Michal Gamily, LaMaMa is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of HAIR: The American Tribal Love Rock Musical with co-creator James Rado, composer Galt MacDermot, and featuring members of the original Off-Broadway cast of 1967, Broadway cast of 1968, and the cast of the 2009 Broadway revival, including Shaleah Adkisson, Debbie Andrews, Michael Butler (via video), Peppy Castro, André De Shields, Lauren Elder, Ellen Foley, Annie Golden, Walter Michael Harris (via video), Ula Hedwig, Antwayn Hopper, Rev. Marjorie Lipari, Melba Moore, Natalie Mosco, Allan Nicholls, Jill O’Hara, Jim Rado, Robert Rubinsky, Dale Soules, and Jared Weiss. The artist lineup is subject to availability and may change. The musical director and pianist Balint Varga will lead Richard Cohen as Musical Supervisor/Saxophone/Flute/Clarinet, Aaron Drescher on drums, Dave D’Aranjo on bass, and Thayer Naples on Guitar. The Coffeehouse Chronicles #139, at La MaMa (66 E. 4 St. in NYC) on Saturday, January 21 at 2 p.m, moderated by Gamily and Coffeehouse Chronicles Co-Founder, Chris Kapp, will offer a panel, performances, and archival media by Dagmar Krajnc and the HAIR private collection. The event will also feature artwork by Suki Weston. Click here for more information on Coffee House Chronicles and here for the 50th Anniversary of HAIR.
Ronnie Dyson and Walter Michael Harris sang the duet “What A Piece of Work Is Man” in the original Broadway cast. Photo by Dagmar.
Read the New York Times preview article:
And La MaMa’s press release: